Change its value from the default 1 to ” 0” (zero) to disable the snap view feature. Step 3: On the right-side, look for the option labelled WindowArrangementActive and double-click on the same. Step 2: Next, navigate to the following key: Click Yes button when you see the UAC prompt. To do so, simultaneously press Windows + R keys to see Run command box, type Regedit.exe, and then press Enter key. Method 2 Disable Snap view using Windows Registry Step 4: Here, under Make it easier to manage windows section, check the option labelled Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen. Step 3: Once Ease of Access Center window is opened, under Explore all settings, click on the link labelled Make the keyboard easier to use. Step 2: In the left-pane, click on the link labelled Ease of Access Center to open the same.